
践行科学发展观 谋划大学新发展——南京航空航天大学五年发展回顾与思考

Practicing Scientific Outlook on Development and Scheming New Development of University——Review of and Reflections on NUAA's Five-year Development
摘要 科学发展观的伟大理论,为我国高等教育改革发展提供了理论指导和行动指南,推进高等教育快速发展,取得了辉煌成就。南京航空航天大学五年来的改革发展所取得的成就和未来发展都是源于科学发展观:收获新成就、站上新起点源于对科学发展观的不懈践行;树立新思想、凝聚新共识源于对科学发展观的深刻领会;分析新形势、把握新机遇源于科学发展观的有力指导;明确新任务、谋求新发展源于科学发展观的根本要求。 Scientific Outlook on Development, a great theory, offers theoretical and practical guidance for the reform and development of China^s higher education. Consequently, it promotes the fast development of China's higher education and has made remarkable achievements. NUAA's achievements in reform and development in the past five years and its future development both result from Scientific Outlook on Devel- opment: making new achievements and mounting new starting point stem from the persistent practicing of Scientific Outlook on Development~ establishing new thoughts and focusing on new common concepts re- sult from the thorough understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development ; analyzing new situations and seizing new opportunities root from the effective guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development; define new tasks and seeking new development originates from the fundamental requirement of Scientific Outlook on Development.
作者 崔锐捷
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期1-7,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(Social Sciences)
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2011年度教育部重点课题(DIA110275)
关键词 科学发展观 大学发展 成就 Scientific Outlook on Development university development achievements
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