
IOLMaster测量超长眼轴眼人工晶状体计算公式准确性比较 被引量:2

Formulas accuracy in over-long axial length measured by IOLMaster
摘要 目的比较IOLMaster测量超长眼轴眼时,各人工晶状体计算公式(Haigis、SRKII、HofierO、H011aday1及SRK/T公式)准确性,指导临床工作中超长眼轴眼人工晶状体计算公式的选择以及术后屈光度的预留。方法前瞻性临床病例研究。收集以IOLMaster测量眼轴且眼轴长度大于28.5mm的白内障患者34例(46只眼)。所有患者均行白内障超声乳化人工晶状体植入术。通过IOL-Master仪器内置软件计算各个人工晶状体计算公式的预测术后屈光度。术后3个月后,验光明确患者实际术后屈光度。比较各个人工晶状体计算公式的预测术后屈光度与实际术后屈光度的直线相关性,绝对预测误差的分布以及预测误差值平均值的差异。结果各人工晶状体计算公式的预测术后屈光度与实际术后屈光度直线相关系数分别是:Haigis公式r=O.902,SRKII公式r=0.696,HofferQ公式,:0.871,H011adav1公式r=0.896,SRK/T公式r=0.783。各人工晶状体计算公式的绝对误差分布均较为分散,仅Haigis公式在1.01。1.50D百分率超过60%。各人工晶状体计算公式的预测误差平均值分别是:Haigis公式(1.12±0.40)D,SRKII公式(0.82±1.53)D,HofierQ公式(1.91±0.46)D,Holla-dav1公式(1.67±0.41)D,SRK/T公式(1.31±0.59)D,除SRKII公式外,其他人工晶状体计算公式的预测误差值均为正值。结论在IQLMater测量超长眼轴眼中,Haigis公式的预测术后屈光度与实际术后屈光度相关性最强,Haigis公式的绝对预测误差值61%分布在1.01~1.50D,临床应用中可根据Hai-gis公式预测误差平均值调整术前预留屈光度。 Objective To compare the accuracy of intraocular lens calculation formulas (Haigis, SRK II, Hoffer Q, Holladay 1 and SRK/T) in over-long axial length measured by IOLMaster. To guide on intraocular lens calculation formula choose and reserved refractive outcome after surgery in clinic. Methods This was a prospective clinical repeated study. It was done including 34 persons (46 eyes) who had undergone phacoemulsification. The axial length of those patients was measured by IOLMaster and those axial lengths were longer than 28.5 millimeter. The IOLMaster was used to predict the refractive outcome for every formula. Their actual postoperative refraction was measured more than 3 months later. Linear correlation between the predicted and actual postoperative refrac- tion, absolutely predictive error distribution and mean predictive error were analyzed for each formu- la. Results The correlation coefficient of intraocular lens calculation formulas was" Haigis formula r =0.902, SRK II formula r =0.696, Hoffer Q formula r =0.871, Holladay 1 formula r =0.896, SRK/ T formula r =0.783. Absolutely predictive error distribution of every intraocular lens calculation for-mulas were dispersed, only the absolutely predictive error distribution of Haigis formula in 1.0±1.50D was over 60%. The mean predictive errors of every formula were Haigis formula 1.12± 0.40D, SRK II formula 0.82±1.53D, Hoffer .Q formula 1.91±0.46D, Holladay 1 formula 1.67±0.41D, SRK/T formula 1.31±0.59D. Except SRK II formula, all predictive errors of other calculation formu- las were positive valve. Conclusions With over-long axial length measured by IOLMaster, the pre- dicted and actual postoperative refraction correlation of Haigis formula is the best. The absolutely predictive error distribution of Haigis formula in 1.01-1.50D is 61%. In clinic, reserved refractive out- come can be adjusted by mean predictive error of Haigis formula.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1164-1167,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 IOLMater 超长眼轴 人工状晶体 计算公式 准确性 lOLMater Over-long axial length Intraocular lens Calculation formula Accuracy
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