目的:在关节镜下膝关节前交叉韧带重建术中股骨端采用可吸收挤压螺钉(bioabsorbable inrerferrencs screws,BS)与带袢钢板(endobutton)固定韧带,评价两者的疗效差异.方法:收集通辽市医院2005-01-2011-01间治疗的有前交叉韧带断裂的患者资料57例,进行回顾分析,其中45例为男性,12例为女性,年龄16岁-57岁(平均年龄27.7岁);病程最少3天,最长12年,平均18.7月.全部患者均有明确外伤史,其中12例患者为车祸中受伤,另外30例患者为膝关节扭伤,其他15例为膝关节跌伤.其中有47例是伴有不同程度的膝关节不稳症状患者;术前体格检查,有54例前抽屉试验(+),12例外翻试验(+),Lachman试验(+)患者38例,轴移试验(+)24例.在关节镜辅助下行交叉韧带重建术,术后指导患者常规康复锻炼,应用Lysholm评分评价2组患者手术前后膝关节功能,并进行对比,运用统计学方法分析两种固定物固定交叉韧带的疗效的差别.结果:通过对所有病例长达1年的随访.术后两组患者膝关节不稳症状均缓解,体格检查关节前、后抽屉试验、轴移试验、Lachman试验均为(-).对两组患者行膝关节Lysholm评分,应用挤压螺钉固定的患者共34人,术前评分:17-71分(平均42.51±14.90),术后1年评分:85-100(平均96.69±3.63);使用带袢钢板固定的患者共23人,术前评分:18—79分(平均44.12±14.26),术后1年评分89-100(平均97.24±3.20).采用t检验分析,挤压螺钉组患者术前、术后评分差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);带袢钢板组患者术前、术后评分有统计学差异(P〈0.05),术后1年评分挤压螺钉组与带袢钢板组患者无统计学差异(P〉0.05).结论:应用关节镜辅助行膝关节前交叉韧带重建术,采用挤压螺钉与带袢钢板两种方式固定韧带股骨端,�
Objective:To evaluate the difference between bioabsorbable inrerferrences screws(BS) and endobutton on ligament fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction at the thighbone under arthroscopy. Methods: 57 patients with broken anterior cruciate ligament, who were treated in the hospital from 2005-01-2011-01, were reviewed and analyzed. There were 45 males and 12 females with the average age of 27.7(range 16-55 years old). The disease duration was 3 clays to 12 years and the average was 18.7 months. All the patients were evidently injured, of which 12 patients were traffic accident injuries, 30 patients were knee joint sprain and other 15 patients were knee joint tumble, and 47 cases among all the cases had unstable symptom of knee joints in varying degrees. The physical test before operation showed: 54 cases had positive anterior drawer test, 12 cases had positive external-rotation test, 38 cases had positive Laehman test and 24 cases had positive Plovot shift test. Cruciate ligament reconstruction under arthroscopy was done and routine recovery practice was made after operation. Applying Lysholm scorse to eveluate knee joint function before and after operation of the two groups, and through comparing the scorses to analyse the difference of clinical effect of the two fixations on fixing cruciate ligament by using a statistical way. Results: After the patients were followed up for a year, two group patients' unstable symptoms of knee joint were relieved and physical test showed that the anterior and posterior drawer tests, Plovot shift test, and Lachman test were all negative. Lysholm scores of knee joint of two groups showed that, for 34 patients with inrerferrences screws, the scores before operation were 17-71(average 42.51 ± 14.90), the scores after operation were 84-100(average 97.24 ± 3.63), for 23 patients with endobutton, the scores before operation were 18-79(average 44.12 ± 14.26), the scores after operation were 89- 100(average 97.24 ± 3.20). The results of
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
Bioabsorbable screws
Anterior cruciate ligament
Curative effect