选取遗址面积、文化层厚度、重要遗物、重要遗迹4个变量,利用SOFM网络对环嵩山地区9000 aB.P.-3000 aB.P.聚落按照裴李岗、仰韶、龙山、夏商4个阶段分别进行聚类分析,以此对区域不同时期早期聚落的规模等级进行划分,其中裴李岗时期聚落划分为2个级别,仰韶、龙山时期聚落均划分为3个级别,夏商时期聚落划分为4个级别。结果表明,裴李岗时期区域聚落等级规模之间的差异不明显,大致在距今5000年左右的仰韶文化中晚期,区域聚落规模等级出现分异,这种分异在龙山时期得以延续,并于夏商时期最终形成。此外,规模等级划分结果还对于特定时期文化面貌的区域差异有所反映,具体表现在裴李岗时期3个区域所属的不同文化系统与夏、商文化不同的空间分布特征。通过环嵩山地区9000 aB.P.-3000 aB.P.聚落规模等级研究发现,SOFM网络具有的邻近单元相互竞争、相互学习特征可以降低遗址面积不准确性对于分类结果的影响,非常适合于早期聚落规模等级的划分。
Choosing site area, culture layer thickness, important relics and important remains as the variables, we used cluster analysis of the ancient settlements of four cultural periods respectively, which were Peiligang, Yangshao, Longshan and Xiashang in 9000-3000 aB.P. around the Songshan Mountain through the SOFM networks method, and classified each type of ancient settlements into different size-grades. By this means, the Peiligang settlements were divided into two grades, Yangshao and Longshan settlements were divided into three grades respectively, and Xiashang settlements were divided into four grades. The result suggested that the size-grade diversity of ancient settlements was not significant during Peiligang period in this area. The size-grade diversity of ancient settlements began at about the mid-late stage of Yangshao period (5000 aB.P.), continued during Longshan period and finally formed in Xiashang period. Moreover, the result also reflected the regional difference of cultural characteristic in a certain period, which was mainly represented in the three Peiligang cultural systems distributed in different areas. There were also different spatial characteristics between Xia and Shang cultures. Based on the size-grade study on ancient settlements around the Songshan Mountain, we found that the SOFM networks method was very suitable for size-grade classification of ancient settlements, as using this method, adjacent cells would compete and learn from each other, which could reduce the effect on classification result by the inaccuracy of site acreages.
Acta Geographica Sinica