对大连沿海所产的 3种腹足类和 8种双壳类的有机和无机成分进行了测定分析 .分析结果表明 :蛋白质、脂肪含量均有差异 ;大多可称之为高蛋白、低脂肪食品 .无机营养素含量因种类而不同 ,但总的变化趋势差距不大 .为开发和利用这些海洋贝类资源提供了营养评价的参考依据 .
The organic and i norganic components in three kinds of Gastropoda and eight kinds of Bivalvia in Dalian coastline are examined.The analytical results show that contents of prot ein and fat ar e different.Most of them may be considered as food of higher protein and low er fat.Contents of inorganic nutrient in species are different,but not remarkabl e.The results are valuable for the developm ent and evaluation of these marine resources.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition