The Olympic data like the number of gold medals in the space rest upon the cluster effect, that is approximately the same number of gold medals obtained by the similar area on the geospatialmeet the level of section with many countries. The number of gold medals em bodied peak Ltype distribution, the distribution in nature and society is a large class of univer sal distribution; gold medal in the medals table sequence number coincided with the power func tion distribution, which is similar to the power law distribution of price fluctuations in financial markets;the number of gold medals uneven degree of approximation is about 89 %, more than 50% of social vigilance of Gini coefficient ;a daily update of the data path of Olympic gold medal is the Zcurve, there are intermittent ladder rise the hotter climate of the region, gained the smaller number of medals, on the contrary the opposite ; the number of gold medals posi tively related to total GDP, set up only in a section;GDP per capita contribution to the number of gold medals is the nature of the region as a whole, but it does not exist in the local section of the apparent regularity all zoning, according to per capita GDP between the two, the high per capita GDP of the region won the gold medal count ; more democracies and more authoritar ian countries won the gold medal more, others less, and most democratic region than in the most autocratic region won more gold medals, that is left Ushaped.
China Sport Science
Key words cluster effect power function distribution L-type distribution climate democra-cy Gini coefficient