
论力学与物理学的视阈差异 被引量:1

Remarks on the Perspective Differences between Mechanics and Physics
摘要 由于经典力学尤其是牛顿力学的成功,在物理学领域中的一些重要概念,甚至是整个物理学领域乃至于人们看待世界的方式都被深深地打上了力学的烙印。这是准确理解与传播以量子论为代表的微观思想的视阈陷阱。视阈的层次性与薛定谔之猫的后续工作和物理学的发展表明:(1)在新的事实或经验现象面前,原有视阈需要转换;(2)在物理学领域中的问题主题从来就不是经典意义上的关于"物质运动"及其规律的学问,而是揭示、描述经验现象及其所隐含的信息(属性等)的科学。假如上帝之手是一个实在之物,没有上帝之手就没有力学,而有了上帝之手就没有物理学。 As a result of the success of classical mechanics especially Newtonian mechanics, some important concepts in physical field, physics itself, and even a way that people view the world has been deeply changed. This is a perspective trap according to spread and understand accu- rately the micro thought for representatives to quantum theory. A lot of facts, for instance the hierarchy of perspective, Schrodinger's cat and follow--up work, and the development of physics, show that the old perspective need to be changed, When we are faced with new facts or expe- rience phenomenon, and that physics is not the study of material movement and its law, but One of the natural science reveals, describe empiri- cal phenomena and its information (properties etc) implied science. If god's hand were a real thing, there would be no mechanics without god's hand, no physics without god hand.
作者 赵克
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期26-30,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目(2009ZBH002)资助
关键词 视阈 力学 物理学 格式塔转换 perspective meehanics physics gestalt switch
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