
夏洛克女儿的财富:“后”学话语中的莎剧小人物 被引量:1

Wealth of Shylock's Daughter:Shakespeare's Minor Character in the Discourse of "Post"-isms
摘要 本文聚焦莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》中的小人物杰西卡,并分析她的文化身份的构成元素。借鉴后结构主义及其它"后"学方法,本文考察她在莎翁从近代视角虚构的威尼斯社会中所具有的多重身份。作为文化构成品,她承载了那个时代关于种族、阶级、性别的主导意识形态在她的身份上寄存的所有特征。另外,她从犹太人女儿到基督徒妻子的跨种族、跨文化身份转变是通过一个过程实现的。在这个过程中,资本主义发展初期阶段的经济、法律等制度力量与其它文化因素交互作用,编织了一个确定她的身份的关系网络。犹太人女儿的"财富"在此种意义上取之不尽。 Focusing on Shakespeare's minor character, Jessica in The Merchant of Venice, this study analyzes the factors that come into the construction of her culturat identity. In the Ught of various perspectives, as informed by post-structuralism and other post-isms,the essay examines the multiple identities she has in the Venetian society the Bard has fictionalized from an Early Modern point of view. As a cultural product, she carries all the marks that the time's dominant ideologies of race, class, and gender have registered in her identities. Her cross-racial, cross- cultural transformation, in addition, from the daughter of a Jew to a Christian wife is realized through a process, in which legal and economic forces of the early capitalist system corroborate other cultural factors to create a network of relations that determine her status. The "wealth" of the Jew's daughter is in that sense inexhaustible.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期76-80,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目“莎士比亚作品的媒体重构与传播研究”(项目编号:11BWW041)阶段性成果 上海浦江人才计划(11PJC001)阶段性成果
关键词 莎士比亚 《威尼斯商人》 后结构主义 文化身份 Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice post-structuralism cultural identity
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