
股骨头坏死运动员术后步态与足底压力研究 被引量:1

Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head in Athletes of Postoperative Gait and Foot Pressure Research
摘要 中国体操是夺金大项,但由于训练量和个人体质等原因,体操运动员损伤很多,尤其是髋关节损伤。分析异常步态形成的原因,为康复评定提供依据是目前该领域的研究热点。观察患侧股骨头坏死的退役运动员一例,进行步态与足底压力测试,对比手术后10年的步态与正常人步态。并进行双侧赤脚拄拐与不拄拐的对比分析,分析异常步态形成的原因,为康复评定提供依据。研究对象为退役体操运动员一例。实验采用OPTPJUMP步态分析系统及Zebris测力板,分别进行赤脚拄拐与不拄拐的步态实验。实验铺设两米的步道,两侧为OPT-PJUMP步态分析系统采集装置,采集赤脚不拄拐与拄拐的步态实验数据,采集两组数据。足底压力实验采用Zebris测力板,受试者赤脚不拄拐和拄拐行走,分别使患侧足和健侧足踏在测力板上一次,采集患侧足和健侧足数据各两组。受试者实验数据表明,受试者支撑时相大于正常人,摆动时相小于正常人;受试者步长平均为54.25cm,介于正常人的50-70cm之间;患侧拄拐与不拄拐前后峰值变化差异大,健侧拄拐与不拄拐前后峰值差异不大;足底压力中心轨迹曲线两侧赤脚时从后跟至脚前段二三跖骨再转向第一趾。 Gymnastics is the gold medal sports in China, but because of the amount of training and personal health reasons, gymnastics athletes' injuries, especially hip injury. It is currently the research focus in the field of analysing the reasons of the formation of abnor- mal gait, and to procide the basis for the evaluation of rehabilitation. To observate an athlete who retired due to a right femoral head nec- rosis,doing gait and foot pressure tesing, comparing 10 years later postoperative gait and normal human gait. And bilateral barefoot, with erutches and without crutches testing for compatative analysis, analysing the reasons of the formation of abnormal gait, and to pro- tide the basis for the evaluation of rehabilitation. The subject is an athlete who retired due to a right femoral head necrosis. Experiment using the OPTPJUMP gait analysis and Zebris force plate, doing bi-lateral barefoot, with crutches and without crutches test. Experiment paving two meters long trail of OPTPJUMP gait analysis system ac- quisition device on both sides, acquisting two groups of data for the bilateral barefoot, with crutches and without crutches testing. Plantar pressure experiments using the Zebris force plate, subject barefoot, with crutches and without crutches to walk, respectively so that the ipsilateral foot and contralateral foot onto the force plate once, ac- quisting two groups of data for the ipsilateral foot and contralateral foot. The experimental data showed that,subject' s support phase is greater than normal people, swing phase is smaller than normal peo- ple; subject' s step is 54.25cm on average, between normal hu- manS0- 70cm; ipsilateral with crutches and whitout crutches the peaks have big difference, contralateral with crutches and whitout crutches the peaks have little difference;Center of pressure trajecto- ry curve start from the heel to second and third metatarsal in forefoot while barefoot, and then turn to the first toe.
机构地区 南京体育学院
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第4期27-29,共3页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 康复 髋关节 股骨头坏死 步态 足底压力 rehabilitation, hip joint , emoral head necrosis, gait, lan-tar pressure
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