"Not guihy"rate has a wide and a narrow meaning. Compared to either Anglo-American law system or the continental law system, the "not guilty'rate of our country has been in a low rate (less than 0.2%) for a long time, and dropped to the lowest level in history (only 0.12%) in 2009. We can see that, in the next few years, China's "not guilty'rate will not change in essence. To explore the origin of it, the reason mainly lies in the following aspects: first, from the angle of onus of proof, the main reason is that China's current judgement standard of guilty is consistent with the standard of commencement, while more reasons come from the outside of the law; secondly, the procuratorial organs voluntarily withdrawing an action is the most important reason for it, which means that, in the judicial practice, the procuratorial organs can withdraw the case according to their expe- rience to make the trial procedure come to an end early; thirdly, the public procurators management assessment system makes the prosecutors pay more concerned about the results; and finally, lack of the principle of sentence of "not guilty'and lack of the criminal litigation mechanism in our country is another main reason for low "not guilty" rate.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
not guilty'rate of action of first instance
withdraw an action
primary cause