亚微米全耗尽 SOI( FDSOI) CMOS器件和电路经过工艺投片 ,取得良好的结果 ,其中工作电压为 5V时 ,0 .8μm全耗尽 CMOS/ SOI1 0 1级环振的单级延迟仅为 45ps;随着硅层厚度的减薄和沟道长度的缩小 ,电路速度得以提高 ,0 .8μm全耗尽 CMOS/ SOI环振比 0 .8μm部分耗尽 CMOS/ SOI环振快 30 % ,比 1 μm全耗尽 CMOS/ SOI环振速度提高 1 5% .
The fully depleted CMOS/SOI device and circuit with channel length of 0 8 micron are studied.The well\|behaved characteristics of device and circuit are achieved,the propagation delay per\|stage of 101\|stage 0 8 micron CMOS/SOI ring oscillator is 45ps with 5V supply voltage.As thickness of silicon and channel length reduced,the speed of circuit are increased.The 0 8 micron CMOS/FDSOI ring oscillator is 30 per cent faster than 0 8 micron CMOS/PDSOI ring oscillator,and 15 per cent faster than 1 micron CMOS/FDSOI ring oscillator.