
生物安全三级实验室核心区排风高效空气过滤器原位消毒的研究 被引量:6

Study on sterilization of exhaust high efficiency particular air filter in situ in main area within biosafety level 3 laboratory
摘要 《实验室生物安全通用要求》(GB19489-2008)要求生物安全三级实验室"应可以在原位对排风高效空气(HEPA)过滤器进行消毒灭菌"。BSL-3实验室核心区排风HEPA过滤器是保证实验操作过程中产生的感染性气溶胶不外泄的最后防线,为了保障环境安全,需在原位实现HEPA过滤器的消毒。本研究设计并制作了循环消毒样机,与排风HEPA过滤器排风箱体的消毒接口连接,利用循环气流带动甲醛蒸汽循环实现原位消毒。结果显示,室温条件下甲醛蒸汽浓度16mg/L,相对湿度70%,持续熏蒸循环穿透运行12h,布置于HEPA过滤器排风箱体内用于指示消毒效果的金黄色葡萄球菌、耻垢分枝杆菌、枯草芽胞杆菌及嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌均被完全杀灭,从设备及方法学两方面实现了排风HEPA过滤器的原位消毒。 Laboratories--General Requirements for Biosafety(GB19489-2008) required "Exhaust high efficien- cy particulate air (HEPA) filter of biosafety level 3 laboratory should be sterilized in situ". Exhaust HEPA filter is an important defensive line to ensure the biosafety of BSL-3 laboratory facilities and also the main line of defense to ensure the non-leakage of infectious aerosols generated in the experimental procedure. In situ disinfection of the HEPA filter is needed in order to protect the Safety of personnel. This study designed and produced a cycle disinfection prototype (with the function of formaldehyde volatilization, gas humidifi- cation and air circulation supply). The prototype was connected with the disinfection interface of HEPA fil- ter's exhaust box. And then the steam cycle of formaldehyde was driven :hrough the HEPA filter by air cir- culation supply system. Thus the in situ disinfection was realized. The results showed that formaldehyde va- por concentration at room temperature was 16 mg/L, and the relative humidity was 70%. After 12-hour continuous formaldehyde fumigation, Staphylococcus aureus , Mycobactrium smegmatis , Bacillus subtilis vat. niger and Bacillus stearothermophilus were completely disinfected. s a consequence, the in situ disin- fection of HEPA in both equipment and methodology is achieved.
出处 《微生物与感染》 2012年第3期146-151,共6页 Journal of Microbes and Infections
基金 "十二五"国家科技重大专项(2012ZX10004401-006 2012ZX10003008-010 2012ZX09301002-005-004) 上海市科委资助项目(09DZ1908602)
关键词 生物安全三级实验室 排风高效空气过滤器 原位消毒 室温甲醛气体消毒 Biosafety level 3 laboratory Exhaust high efficiency particulate air filter Sterilization in situ Room temperature steam formaldehyde sterilization
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