DOG1(discovered on GIST 1)是由人类11q13所编码的8次穿膜蛋白,是一种钙离子激活的氯离子通道。DOG1广泛表达于多种人体组织中,该蛋白可能与一系列生理学过程如细胞分泌,心脏和神经元兴奋,感觉换能,肠道cajal细胞的兴奋,受精过程等有关。DOG1高表达于胃肠间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors GIST),联合CD117、CD34和PDG-FRA在GIST的诊断和鉴别诊断中的应用,大大提高了其诊断率,是一种敏感和特异的GIST标记物。
DOG1 ( discovered on GIST 1) is 8 times transmembrane protein encoded by the human 11q13, is a calcium--ac- tivated chloride channel. DOG1 is widely expressed in various human tissues, the protein may be related to a series of physiological processes such as cell secretion, cardiac and neuronal excitability, sensory transclucers, intestinal cajal cell excitability, fertilization and so on. DOG1 is a sensitive and specific marker of GIST, highly expressed in gastrointestinal stromal tumors, joint CD117 , CDa4, and PDGFRA in GIST diagnosis and differential diagnosis application, greatly increased the rate of diagnosis of GIST.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)