
熟化污泥施用对滨海盐渍土绿化植物光合生理特征的影响 被引量:2

Research on Different Method of Using Composed Sewage Sludge Affect on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Some Plants in Coastal Saline Soil
摘要 滨海盐渍土的高盐碱特性使得植物定植和生长均受到影响,滨海植被极易退化。在上海浦东盐渍土开展不同比例熟化污泥施用改土试验,并通过定期测定种植的常见绿化植物的光合作用参数,反映污泥施用效应差异及时间上的变化。结果表明:(1)熟化污泥施用盐渍土可提升绿化植物的光合效率。污泥施用综合效果不仅与施用浓度相关,且与植物生长特性有关,同时污泥施用效果持续时间与施用浓度存在正相关。(2)植物种植早期污泥施用可能造成轻度胁迫效应,而夹竹桃、海桐等适应性较强植物早期施用较低浓度(质量比5%以下)污泥即表现净光合速率提升效应;在植物进入正常生长阶段后,大部分植物中低比例(质量比2.5%和5.0%)污泥施用的提升效应更显著;在施用污泥500天左右中低浓度施用比例效应显著下降,此时高浓度(7.5%)施用组仍存在提升效应。建议污泥施用应以低浓度多次施用方法进行。(3)在较长时间尺度上植物自身适应性是决定污泥施用后净光合速率变化的主导因素,而不同污泥施用量的影响作用在短时效应上较显著。建议在污泥资源化用于滨海盐渍土改良过程中,以5%及以下熟化污泥的中等施用比例为主。 The high salinization character of coastal saline soil affected the plant colonization and growth. In this paper, the effects of different method of using composed sewage sludge were compared. And the photosynthetic characteristic of some plant species was measured periodically for the purpose of reflecting the effects of different ratio of composed sewage sludge in time gradient. The results showed that: (1) using composed sewage sludge in the coastal saline soil could improve the photosynthetic efficiency of plant species. The comprehensive effects of adding composed sewage sludge was not only related to the added concentration, but also the plant growth condition and adaptability. The effect duration of adding composed sewage sludge was proportional to the added concentration. (2) Adding composed sewage sludge may cause stress effect in early period, and some plant species with strong adaptability showed that the net photosynthetic rate was higher than control group in adding 5% amount of composed sewage sludge, such as Nerium indicum, Pittosporum tobira and also. The effects of adding 2.5% and 5.0% amount of composed sewage sludge was better than that of 7.5% or higher amount in normal growth period of plant species. And the effects of adding 2.5% and 5.0% amount of composed sewage sludge was significantly weakened in about 500 clays since the adding day, but adding 7.5% amount of composed sewage sludge was also showed a significant promotion effect. It was suggested that adding composed sewage sludge should be many times but small amount for once. (3) While using composed sewage sludge for improving soil condition, the main factor that affected the plant net photosynthetic rate was plant adaptability in a relative long time scale, but the using amount of sludge would have more significant affects in the short time scale. It was suggested that the main application ratio of composed sewage sludge might be 5% and below when using sludge for improving coastal saline soil.
作者 郑思俊
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第28期58-65,共8页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 上海市科委项目"污泥改良滨海盐渍土关键技术及其在白龙港区域的工程示范"(09dz1204106) 上海老港固废综合开发有限公司科研项目"填埋场封场后高大植物种植研究"(LGKF科邀201101) 上海市绿化和市容管理局科研项目"上海垃圾填埋场植被恢复特征及生境改良关键技术研究"(F120209)
关键词 滨海盐碱地 净光合速率 气孔导度 胞间二氧化碳浓度 熟化污泥 coastal saline land net photosynthetic rate stomatal conductance intercellular CO2 concentration composed sewage sludge
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