以h-BN、石墨、短切炭纤维和树脂等为原料,采用模压技术+浸渍/炭化技术制备4种C/C-BN复合材料,并在M2000型试验相同测试其与40Cr钢配副时的滑动摩擦性能。结果表明:h-BN质量分数分别为3.4%和20.7%的材料的抗压强度较高,其摩擦因数随载荷增加均先增加后降低;h-BN为6.8%的材料的摩擦因数降幅最大,达0.049;而h-BN为10.1%的材料的抗压强度最低,其摩擦因数呈现波浪状起伏。随载荷增加,h-BN为3.4%和20.7%的材料的体积磨损增幅较低;而h-BN为6.8%的材料的体积磨损增幅最大,达2.41 mm3。随着时间的延长,4种材料的摩擦因数均逐渐稳定。SEM观察表明:h-BN为3.4%的材料的摩擦表面在中低载荷下较完整致密、但有长度与石墨微晶尺寸接近(10~50μm)的网络状裂纹,摩擦表面在高载荷下则较粗糙;而h-BN为10.1%的材料的摩擦表面均较粗糙、不完整。
Four kinds of C/C-BN composites were prepared by mould pressing combined with impregnation and carbonization of furan resin using h-BN powder, graphite powder, short-cut PAN carbon fiber and resin as greed material. The sliding friction behaviors of the C/C-BN composites against 40Cr steel ring were conducted on M2000 tester. The results show that composites with 3.4% or 20.7% (mass fraction) h-BN hold high compressive strength, their friction coefficients increase at first and then decrease with the increase of the testing loads. The friction coefficient of composites with 6.8% h-BN holds the largest decreasing range, which reaches 0.049, while the composites with 10.1% h-BN have the lowest strength and wave-like fluctuated friction coefficient with the increase of the loads. The composites with 3.4% or 20.7% h-BN remain hold low and stable volume wear loss with the increase of the loads. The composites with 6.8% h-BN hold the highest volume wear loss to 2.41 mm3. SEM observation shows that the wear surfaces of composites with 3.4% h-BN are integrate and compact at low and middle loads except some net-shape micro-cracks with the length of 10-50 μm, but it become very rough at high load. The worn surfaces of composites with 10.1% h-BN are very rough and un-integrated under the testing loads.
The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals