
锥形束CT对下颌后牙区下颌管位置的三维测量研究 被引量:2

The three-dimensional measurements of the mandibular canal of the mandibular posterior area using Cone-beam CT
摘要 目的:通过锥形束CT(CBCT)检查对下颌管位置进行准确定位,为避免在外科手术中造成对下牙槽血管神经束的损伤提供统计学依据。方法:对50例(男28例,女22例)牙列部分缺损的种植患者(年龄19~76岁,x±s=39.76±14.07)进行颌骨CBCT检查并测量下颌后牙区下颌管的三维位置。结果:通过测量得到下颌管同以下指定区域的距离得出:下颌骨的高度从前往后逐渐降低,宽度逐渐增厚,磨牙区下颌管在下颌骨的舌侧行走,在前磨牙区逐渐向颊侧移行,下颌管到下颌骨下缘的距离为(8.45±2.29)mm,下颌管到牙槽嵴顶的距离为(14.90±2.95)mm。结论:通过CBCT测量得到下颌管及下颌骨的形态学数据,对种植术前确定下颌管的解剖位置有重要的临床指导意义。 Objective This study aimed to clarify the localization of the mandibular canal (MC) in order to avoid injuries to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle during oral implant surgical procedures. Methods The position of the MC was measured using core-beam computed tomography data examinations of the oral region from 50 partially dentulous Chinese patients aging from 19 to 76 years old (x+s=39.76+14.07;females=22;males=28) that were obtained with the purpose of dental restoration. Results The mandibular canal traveled near the the lingual cortical plate in the $4 and $3 sections,and moved towards the buccal cortical plate in the $2 and $1 sections.The distance between the mandibular canal and the inferior border of the mandible is (8.45+2.29)mm,the distance between the mandibular canal and the superior border of the alveolar process is (14.90+295)mm. Conclusion The morphometric findings may help clarifyinq the detailed anatomv of the MC for the planning of dental implantation.
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2012年第10期1828-1830,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
关键词 下颌管 种植 锥形束CT mandibular canal(MC) implant CBCT
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