This paper focuses on describing characteristics of time-varying volatility in hot and cold IPO cycles by establishing Markov regime switching-GARCH(MRS.GARCH)model, adopting quantile regression for count data (QR-CD) model to study the relationship between numbers of IPO offered and duration from offering to listing. The empirical results taking China's A Share IPO samples from January 1994 to August 2010 are that: Average initial-day returns and duration from offering to listing are incentives of numbers of IPO offered, which results in phase difference of periodic behavior among these three main variables used for describing IPO behaviors ; the de- creasing of duration from offering to listing has a positive effect on numbers of IPO offered ; Besides that volatility persistence of numbers of IPO offered is strong in cold cycles, and the volatility persistences of other variables are weaker in both cold and hot cycles; for(adjusted)average initial day returns, numbers of IPO offered, volatility variances are greater in hot status than ones in cold cycles, while duration from offering to listing is opposite. The evolution of China' s A share IPO market cycles is dominated by issuing policies, macroeconomic factors and investorg sentiment.
Operations Research and Management Science