语言学的一般理论主要是在研究、分析印欧语系语言的基础上建立起来的 ,没有很好地概括到汉藏语系尤其是汉语的研究成果和材料 ,和汉语语言学研究难免是会有所脱节的。而《语言学概论》作为普通语言学的一门基础理论课自开设以来 ,在教学实际中一直存在着不少的意见和问题。本文结合多年的教学实际 ,就《语言学概论》这门课该讲什么 ,不该讲什么 ,如何把语言学的一般理论和汉藏语系的语言特别是汉语的实际相结合 。
The general theory of linguistics is founded mainly on the basis of research and analysis of the Indo european languages.It hasn′t been generalized in the Sino tibetial languages,especially in the research accomplishment and material of the Chinese.So it is hard to avoid being divorced from Chinese language research.In teachering《The Outline Linguistics》as a basic theory course of general linguistics,there have appeared some opinions and problems、According to the course of 《The Outline Linguistics》,the author tries to approach the subject from different angles,such as what ought or oughtn′t to be explained,how to combine the general theory of linguistics with the Sino tibetial languages,especially the Chinese,how to absorb the latest accomplishment in foreign languages research,and how to arrange and praceise the teaching work of this course.
Outline Linguistics
linguistics studying
general linguistics
Sino tibetial languges
Indo european languages.