
族群杂居区族际互动的结构性特征——一种超越二元对立的研究视域 被引量:4

Structural Characteristics of Interactions between Ethnic Groups in Their Mixed Communities: A Research Perspective beyond Dualism
摘要 无论一个族群杂居区看上去是多么偶然或复杂易变,一切已知的族群结构,从决定族群主体性的内在表征到决定关系格局的族群行为,都是一些彼此互动的共生结构。在动态的视域中,族群共生格局的形成具有深刻的物质动因,共生互补是从多元走向一体的逻辑基础。在认知、情感及伦理道德等层面互动的过程中,作为共生意义的族际共享域应运而生,这也就意味着族群之间因内在必然的要求而自发形成了共时性与历时性、共享性与共轭性相统一的存在方式和价值取向。当族群共生结构在时空向度上借助一定的物质条件稳定下来之后,又可以深化为人们能够操作的一套符号系统,特别是当族群作为一种情感主体出现时,共生族群之间具有深刻的自我调适机制。族群共生的过程不仅可能产生新的共生形态,而且能够形成新的物质结构,有利于促进族群关系向更高层次的有序化不断演进。 Research on community relationships in mixed small-population ethnic groups has been an important tradition of social anthropology in the West. It tends to exaggerate the conflicts and boundaries between groups and draw ideological conclusions with obvious dualistic "self' and "other" binary, which has led to the misunderstanding and misleading of human relationships. Based on my five-year participant-observation and study on the oral materials, this paper aims to summarize the structural characteristics between the ethnic groups through an ethnographical analysis of a mixed community, and to explore the attributes that reflect the multi-layer subjectivities and the symbiosis of the ethnic groups. This paper thus strives to reveal a cognitiveparadigm corresponding to the human existence that goes beyond dualistic and separatist understanding. In a historical perspective, we find that the formation of the symbiosis pattern had deep material drive,and that the complementary symbiosis was the logic foundation for pluralism to turn to an organic whole. In the process of cognitive, emotional and ethical interactions between ethnic groups, the shared inter-ethnic domain of symbiosis came into being, which implies the inherent requirements for the groups to spontaneously form a unity of their existences and values. Once the ethnic symbiotic structure stabilized in both senses of time and space under certain material conditions,it can provide a set of symbol systems under which people can operate, and especially when ethnic groups appear as emotional subjects, an adjusting mechanism can play an important role between the symbiotic groups. It is certain that close contacts between ethnic groups do not mean assimilation or perishing of a certain group. On the contrary, heterogeneity is even more required for the ethnic subjectivities in the symbiotic structure. We also start to realize that the process of ethnic symbiosis is different from the process of a single ethnic group's development, but is synchronous o
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期41-50,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(20110490217)
关键词 族群 互动 共生 结构 ethnic group interaction symbiosis structure
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