
2型糖尿病患者频繁静脉取血法动态血糖监测的准确性评估 被引量:11

Accuracy assessment of continuous glucose monitoring by frequent venous blood collection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
摘要 目的应用频繁静脉取血法在2型糖尿病患者中对回顾性动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)的点准确度及趋势准确度进行评价。方法2010年8月至10月共纳入11例2型糖尿病患者,应用美敦力公司GOLD^TM(GMS)连续监测3d血糖,同时每天输入4次指尖血糖值进行校正。受试者在CGMS监测的3d内随机选择1d参加连续7h的频繁静脉取血(15min取1次),并用美国YSI STAT Plus^TM葡萄糖乳酸分析仪(YSI值)进行血浆葡萄糖值的测定。应用多种统计方法和统计量来综合进行准确性评估,包括CGMS值和匹配的YSI值相比在20%和30%偏差范围内的一致率、误差栅格分析、绝对差值的相对数(ARD)、Bland—Ahman分析以及趋势分析等。两变量相关分析采用Pearson相关分析。结果11例患者共收集到319对YSI—CGMS配对数据值;与YSI值相比,88.4%(95%CI:0.84—0.92)的CGMS值在20%偏差范围内,96.9%的CGMS值在30%偏差范围内。Clarke误差栅格分析显示YSI—CGMS配对数据值进入A区和B区的比例分别为88%、12%,共识误差栅格分析显示进入A区和B区的比例分别为96.2%、3.8%。连续误差栅格分析显示YSI—CGMS配对数据值在准确数据区、良性错误区及错误数据区分别为94.4%、2.8%及2.8%。ARD的均值为10.5%,中位数为8.4%,Bland—Altman分析均值为0.47mmol/L(95%CI:-1.90-3.01)。趋势分析显示82.5%的两者变化率差异集中在0.06mmol·L^-1·min^-1的变化范围内,只有1.7%的数据对绝对差异超过0.17mmd·L^-1·min^-1。结论无论对点时血糖还是对血糖变化趋势的反映,CGMS均有较好的准确性;但对低血糖事件进行评判时,尚需结合临床实际情况具体分析。 Objective To assess the accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) in type 2 diabetic patients by frequent venous blood collection. Methods A total of 11 patients with type 2 diabetes treated from August to October 2010 were enrolled in this study. The Medtronic GOLD^TM CGMS was used to monitor the continuous changes of the blood glucose levels for 3 successive days in all subjects, meanwhile the fingertip blood glucose was tested at least 4 times each day for calibration. The venous blood of the subjects was randomly collected every 15 min per hour for 7 successive hours on one day when the subjects wore the sensor, and was tested using the YSI 2300 STAT Plus^TM glucose&lactate analyzer. The accuracy was comprehensively evaluated by using statistical methods including the rate of agreement between the sensor readings and the paired YSI values within ± 20% and ± 30% of deviations, the error grid analysis, absolute relative difference (ARD), Bland-Altman analysis and trend analysis. Correlation analysis of two variables was done with Pearson correlation analysis. Results A total of 319 paired YSI-sensor values were collected from the 11 patients. Total 88.4% of the sensor readings (95% CI: O. 84 - 0. 92) were within ± 20% of the YSI values, and 96. 9% within ± 30% of the YSI values. Clarke error grid analyses showed that the ratios of the YSI-sensor values in region A to region B were 88% and 12% ; Consensus error grid analyses showed that the ratios of the YSI-sensor values in region A to region B were 96. 2% and 3.8% ; Continuous error grid analyses showed that the ratios of the YSI-sensor values in region of accurate reading, benign errors, erroneous reading were 94. 4%, 2. 8%, 2. 8%, respectively. The mean ARD for all subjects was 10. 5% and the median ARD was 8.4%. The Bland-Airman analysis detected the mean blood glucose level of 0.47 mmol/L (95% CI: - 1.90-3.01 mmol/L). Trend analysis revealed that 82. 5% of the difference of the rates of change between the YSI values
出处 《中华糖尿病杂志》 CAS 2012年第9期523-528,共6页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF DIABETES MELLITUS
基金 国家自然科学青年基金(81100590) 上海市市级医院新兴前沿技术联合攻关项目(SHDC12010115) 上海市卫生局青年科研项目(2009Y038)
关键词 糖尿病 2型 动态血糖监测 误差栅格分析 准确度 Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Continuous glucose monitoring Error grid analysis Accuracy
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