资产管理系统采用C/S架构。系统后台数据库采用Microsoft SQL Server 2005;系统前台采用Microsoft公司的Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008作为主要的开发工具。首先对企业资产管理系统做了详细的需求分析,然后给出了企业资产管理系统所需的功能,重点探讨了企业资产管理系统的设计与实现方案,最后对企业资产管理系统进行了较详细的设计,并给出了具体实现步骤。本系统的主要功能模块有5个:基本信息管理、固定资产管理、数据维护管理、系统维护管理、系统辅助工具。
The system is developed based on C / S structure, using MS Visual Studio.NET 2008 and SQL Server 2005 database technology for development. At first, a detailed requirement analysis is done about enterprise asset management system, and then the required functions are given on enterprise asset management system. Enterprise asset management system focuses on design and implementation of the program. At last detailed system design of the enterprise asset management are carried out, and gives concrete implement steps. The main function of this system has 5 modules: basic information management, fixed asset management, data maintenance management, system maintenance management, system aided tools.
Asset management C# System development