本文针对目前供电企业电费管理现状,特提出电费购电卡收费方式的构想,与其他收费方式一起实现电费缴费方式的多样化。并对购电卡技术进行研究,在此基础上将系统划分为8个模块。最后通过对现有开发工具以及开发语言的分析比较,前端开发工具采用Visual Studio 2003及Java语言,后台数据库采用Oracle,开发了系统管理、购电卡领用存管理、收费票据领用存管理、购电卡管理、购电卡帐务管理、基本查询、统计汇总和短信管理模块。
According to the present management status of the power supply enterprise about the electric purchase, This paper particularly advances that the electricity fees should be charged by purchase electricity card. It will make the method of fees charged diversified together with others. Then it does technologic research on the Purchase Electricity Card .This System is divided into 6 models. Finally, by analyzing and comparing the current development tools and lan- guage, Visual Studio 2003 ,the Java language and Oracle are selected for the former development tool and the back- ground database respectively, then, the system management, the draw and reserve management of purchase electricity card, the charges bill management of purchase electricity card, the management of purchase electricity card, the ac- counts management of purchase electricity card, the basic query, the statistics count and SMS messages management module are developed.
Power supply enterprise Electricity fees Purchase electricity card Radio frequency identification card