1Lawrence Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace (New York:Basic Books,1999). 被引量:1
2David S.Alberts & Daniel S.Papp ed.,Informatfon Age Anthology,Vo1.2,National Secunity Implications of the Informatfon Age,2000. 被引量:1
3David Helperin,“The Intemet and national security:emerging issues”,Information Age Anthology Vol.Ⅱ. 被引量:1
4Stefan Wray,“Electronic Civil Disobedience and the World Wide Web of Hacktivism:A Mapping of Extraparliamentarian Direct Action Net Politics”,p.432. 被引量:1
5John D.H. Downing:"Computers for Political Change:PeaceNet and Public Data Access",Joumal of Communication, Summer 1989. 被引量:1
6Harry Cleaver, Zapatistas in Cyberspace:An Accion Zapatista Report, "Harry Cleaver homepage 1998.(http://www.eco.utexas.edu/faculty/Cleaver/zapsincyber.html). 被引量:1
7Andrew Brown,A Editors Wanted, @ New Statesman, April 28,1999. 被引量:1