目的:了解本院就诊儿童乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染和免疫现状。方法:对重庆医科大学附属儿童医院2009年1月1日到2009年12月31日门诊、住院及体检的重庆籍儿童(均为因非乙型肝炎就诊者)共21 473例,在我院临床检验中心行HBV血清学标志物检查的结果进行统计分析。结果:HBsAg和/或HBeAg阳性患儿301/21 473人(1.4%),其中HBsAg和HBeAg均阳性者228/21 473人(1.1%),HBsAg阳性而HBeAg阴性者73/21 473人(0.3%);抗-HBc和/或抗-HBe阳性者1 501/21 473(7.0%);仅抗-HBs阳性者10 990/21 473人(51.2%);HBV血清学标志物均阴性8 681/21 473人(40.4%)。结论:2009年21 473名就诊儿童中,HBV感染率为1.4%,低于我国2005年我国普通人群的阳性率;抗-HBs阳性率为51.2%,高于我国2005年我国普通人群的阳性率;新生儿期HBsAg和/或HBeAg阳性率、特别是抗-HBc阳性率均较高,新生儿需密切随访。
Objective:To investigate the infection status of hepatitis B virus and the immune state of children admitted to our hospital. Methods :Totally 21 473 children in the outpatient department, hospitalized department and the physical examination center of the children's hospital of Chongqing medical university in 2009 were enrolled in the study. Statistical analysis on the examination results of HBV serology markers was conducted in clinical laboratory center. Results :The positive rate of HBsAg was 1.4%(301/21 473) in children,including 1.1%(228/21 473) with both positive HBsAg and positive HBeAg and 0.3%(73/21 473) with positive HBsAg but negative HBeAg. The positive rate of anti-HBs was 51.2% (10 990/21 473). The positive rate of anti-HBe and/or anti-HBc was 7.0% (1 501/21 473). The negative rate of HBV serologic markers was 40.4%(8 681/21 473). Conclusions:In 2009,the HBV infection rate of children in Chongqing was 1.4%,lower than that of common crowds in the whole country in 2005. The positive rate of anti-HBs was 51.2%, higher than that of common crowds in the whole country in 2005. The positive rate of HBsAg and/or HBeAg, especially anti-HBs is relatively high, frequent follow-up should be conducted in children.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University