考察了高锰酸盐复合药剂预处理除藻效能 ,并与预氯化除藻效果进行了对比。结果表明 ,单纯依靠提高混凝剂投量对除藻效果改善程度有限 ,即使混凝剂投量很大 ,藻类去除效率也较低。高锰酸盐复合药剂预氧化能显著地提高除藻效率 ,降低紫外吸光度 。
The experiment of algae removal from eutrophic water body by pre oxidation with a composite chemical containing permanganate was conducted in comparison to the pre chlorination process. It was found that although the increased coagulant dosage of Poly aluminum Chloride improved the removal of algae, there were certain limits in the removal efficiency, even though the coagulant dosages were substantially high. It was observed that permanganate pre oxidation (a composite chemical containing permanganate) greatly enhanced the removal of algae from water, with much lower residual algae in the settled and filtered water. The indicator of UV254 adsorption was also obviously reduced. The effectiveness of permanganate pre oxidation for algae removal was much higher than that of pre chlorination.
Water & Wastewater Engineering
国家杰出青年科学基金!(5982 51 0 6)资助项目