
基于生存质量指标的临床路径效果评价研究 被引量:4

Effect Evaluation of Clinical Pathways Based on the Quality of Life Index
摘要 文章从利物浦护理路径的研究启示、生存质量是否作为临床路径效果评价指标的研究启示、以生存质量理论为基础,不断改进临床路径模式的研究启示、患者生存质量评价:基于医护人员评价的研究启示和国内研究现状5个方面,对相关文献进行综述,为今后将生存质量指标引入临床路径研究提供理论支持。 From five aspects, the study performed a literature review, and provided theoretical support for the introduction of the quality of life index to clinical pathway. These five aspects were the enlightenment of Liverpool Care Pathway, whether the quality of life can be taken as evaluation index of the clinical pathway, the quality of life theory as basis to continuous improve of the clinical path model, patient quality of life evaluation, revelation based on the medical staff.
出处 《中国卫生质量管理》 2012年第5期6-10,共5页 Chinese Health Quality Management
基金 山西医科大学青年基金项目(编号:02200828)
关键词 利物浦护理路径 临床路径 生存质量 终末质量 效果评价 Liverpool Care Pathway Clinical Pathway Quality of Life Terminal Quality Effect Evaluation
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