
无锁并发二叉搜索树的实现 被引量:1

Lock-free implementation of concurrent binary search tree
摘要 针对异步共享内存模型下的并发搜索二叉树(BST)数据结构,提出了一种新的无锁实现方法。通过一种有效的节点重用策略,使得删除操作是无等待的,插入操作是无锁的。实验数据表明,该数据结构是高度可扩展的而且在高负载下能提供很高的吞吐量。 A new scheme for unlocking implementation of concurrent Binary Search Tree (BST) based on asynchronous shared memory systems was provided in this paper. This scheme possessed two outstanding advantages: The deletion is wait- free, and the insertion is lock-free. The experimental results show that this scheme is highly scalable and can produce high throughputs under heavy load.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期2736-2741,共6页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 无锁搜索二叉树 无锁 无等待 可扩展 高吞吐量 unlocking binary search tree lock-free wait-free scalable high parallel
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