从建筑艺术角度对南京太阳宫广场作了比较概括的分析。着重描述了如何把以戏水娱乐为主的 ,有多功能活动内容的 ,并具有不同空间特殊要求的文化健身活动中心 ,组合在一个直径为 1 1 5m的圆形平面建筑中 ,用空间组合艺术和设计技巧合理地解决了内外联系、交通组织、环境美化等一系列建筑难点。文章在设计构思、总体布局、建筑造型、外墙线型、平面设计、第五立面和材质、色彩等方面作了简明的叙述 ,说明整个设计体现了功能和艺术的统一 ,空间和环境的统一 。
This paper, from the point of view of architectural art, made a brief analysis to Nanjing Sun Palace Plaza. It puts emphasis on dealing with a series of architectural problems regarding how making a cultural gymnastic centre, which is used for an indoor water park with multifunctional activities as well as different kinds of space requirements, combined in one building of a circle of 115 meters in diameter。 This is achieved by using space combination of arts and design technique to solve logically the connection between indoor and outdoor,traffic organization and environmental beautification。 Also, this paper gives a concise description on basic conception, general architectural form, linear form of facade, floor plan, fifth elevation and material, colour, etc. Therefore the whole architectural design represents an idea, i.e. harmony of function and art, harmony of space and environment,so as to create new landscape aside by Lake XuanWu。
Building Science
architectural art
space combination of arts
environmental beautification