马里兰烟焦油含量低 ,燃烧性好 ,填充力强 ,香吃味俱佳 ,是低焦油混合型卷烟的优质原料。马里兰烟在美国马里兰州有 350多年的栽培历史 ,马里兰州为世界主要产区 ,栽培和调制经验丰富。我国自 80年代初引进马里兰烟 ,湖北省五峰县试种成功 ,是目前我国唯一的马里兰烟生产基地 ,自然条件优越 ,种烟经验丰富 ,所产烟叶品质优良 ,卷制的低焦油卷烟畅销国内外。加入“世贸组织”后 ,我国卷烟市场面临着国外低焦油卷烟的冲击 ,发展马里兰烟 ,加快我国低焦油卷烟的发展 。
The origin of Maryland tobacco is Maryland of USA. This tobacco possesses low tar, adequate aroma, good combustibility and filling capacity, it is good raw material in low tar cigarettes production. Since the 1980's, Maryland tobacco has been produced in Wufeng County of Hubei Province, where the weather and soil conditions are excellent and the farmers are experienced to produce quality Maryland tobacco. This tobacco has been used by Beijing Cigarette Factory to make low tar cigarette “Zhongnanhai” which has been sold well in China and some foreign countries. China should develop Maryland tobacco for the advance of low tar cigarettes.
Chinese Tobacco Science