利用2010年9—11月鞍山大气成分监测站CE-318太阳光度计观测资料,依据气溶胶光学厚度测量原理,计算得到2010年鞍山秋季大气气溶胶光学厚度、波长指数等大气光学特性数据,通过统计,给出鞍山秋季气溶胶光学特性分布特征。结果表明:随着测量AOD波段的降低,AOD值逐渐增大,9月AOD平均值最大,10月AOD平均值次之,11月AOD平均值最小。从频率分布看,2010年9月AOD日平均值集中分布在0.4—0.6之间,10月和11月AOD日平均值集中分布在0.0—0.4之间,表明10—11月大气较为清洁;波长指数日平均值的频率分布说明秋季大气污染物以细粒子为主。500 nm的AOD值与波长指数为对数关系,两者在9、10月和11月的相关系数分别为0.5145、0.8412和0.2715;9月AOD与PM10、PM2.5和PM1.0质量浓度为较小负相关,10月和11月AOD与PM10、PM2.5和PM1.0质量浓度为正相关,且10月和11月AOD与气溶胶细粒子相关性较为显著。AOD值与能见度在趋势上呈较小的负相关性,可能是由于高层气溶胶粒子对气溶胶光学厚度产生了主要影响。
Based on the observational data with CE-318 sun photometer in Anshan atmospheric composition monitoring station from September to November 2010,the atmospheric aerosol optical depth(AOD) and Angstrom exponent and so on were calculated according to the principles of AOD measurements.The optical feature of aerosol was analyzed in Anshan.The results indicate that AOD value increases with the decrease of wavelength.The mean maximum AOD value occurs in September,then in October,and the minimum one is in November.For the frequency distributions,the mean diurnal AOD values concentrate from 0.4 to 0.6 in September 2010 and from 0.0 to 0.4 in October and November 2010,respectively.These results suggest that the air is clean from October to November.According to the frequency distributions of Angstrom exponent,atmospheric pollutant is dominated by fine particles in autumn in Anshan.There is a logarithmic relationship between the AOD(500 nm) values and Angstrom exponent,and both correlation coefficients are 0.5145,0.8412 and 0.2715 in September,October and November,respectively.AOD value is a negative correlation with concentrations of PM10,PM2.5,PM1.0 in September,while it is a positive correlation in October and November.The correlation between AOD value and fine particle of aerosol is significant in October and November.There is a less negative correlation between AOD value and visibility,and it suggests that aerosol particles in upper level have a major impact on aerosol optical depth.
Journal of Meteorology and Environment