AES是美国数据加密标准的简称,又称Rijndael加密算法。它是当今最著名且在商业和政府部门应用最广泛的算法之一。AES有三个版本,分别是AES-128,AES-19和AES-256。AES的分析是当今密码界的一个热点,文中使用差分故障攻击方法对AES进行分析。差分故障攻击假设攻击者可以给密码系统植入错误并获得正确密文和植入故障后密文,通过对两个密文分析比对从而得到密钥。文中提出了对AES-128的两种故障攻击方法,分别是在第8轮和第7轮的开始注入故障。两个分析方法分别需要2个和4个故障对,数据复杂度分别为23 4(2112)次猜测密钥。
The advanced encryption standard is short for AES. It has another name Rijndael. It is one of the most popular ciphers in the world and is widely used for both commercial and government purposes. It has three versions( AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256). Differential fault analysis assumes that an attacker can induce faults into a system and collect the correct as well as the faulty behaviors. The attacker compares the two ciphers in order to retrieve the secret key. In this paper, present differential fault attacks on the block cipher AES-128 when error injected at the beginning of round 8 and round 7. The method proposed can recover subkey through 2 and 4 faults on average. The attack has a time complexity of 234(2112 ) time for full key recovery for the two fault injected model correspondingly.
Computer Technology and Development