目的:探讨Graf超声检查法在诊断发育性髋关节异常患儿中的应用价值。方法:选择2010年8月~2011年9月来我院就诊临床疑似发育性髋关节异常的婴幼儿108例,其中男性35例;女性73例;年龄28 d^6个月,平均年龄35 d;依据Graf常规超声检查法,评估双侧髋关节冠状面髋臼形态、股骨头位置及a、β角度并进行髋关节分型。结果:临床疑似病例中超声诊断为发育不成熟型(Ⅱa型和Ⅱb型)占7%,病理型(ⅡC型,Ⅲ型,Ⅳ型及D型)1.3%。结论:髋关节超声波检查是一种安全、有效的诊断方法,与临床体格检查法相比,Graf超声检查法能够准确地对小儿髋关节进行早期的定性、定量评估,减少过度治疗,降低晚期发育性髋关节异常的发生率。
Objective:To study the ultrasonic inspection Graf in diagnosis of abnormal hip of children devel- opment and application value. Method: Choose in August 2010 - September 2011 to our medical clinical suspected developmentally abnormal hip the infant of 108 cases, 35 patients were men and 73 women) ; Age 28 days to six months, with an average age of 35 d; According to conventional ultrasonic inspection Graf, assessment of the double the hip coronal acetabular form, femoral head position and a, ~] Angle and hip classification. Results: Clini- cal suspected cases of ultrasound diagnosis for growth is not mature ( ]] type a and 1[ type b) 7 %, pathological type ( [[ C, HI type, type and 1V type D) 1.3%. Hip a. Conclusion : Hip ultrasonic examination is a safe and ef- fective method of diagnosis, and clinical medical than inspection, Graf ultrasonic inspection can accurately to children for early hip qualitative and quantitative evaluation, reduce excessive treatment, reduce the developmen- tally late the incidence of abnormal hip.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal