
血友病患者健康教育管理模式初探 被引量:5

A tentative study on health education management mode for hemophilia patients
摘要 目的帮助血友病患者养成健康的生活习惯,去除或减少影响健康及威胁生命的危险因素。方法根据血友病患者的特征,制定个性化健康教育计划,用图、文、多媒体等形式长期反复强化教育内容,帮助患者和家属确定健康信念,建立健康行为。患者根据年龄阶段分为儿童组(n=13)、青少年组(n=19)和成人组(n=27),统计健康教育前后各组患者健康意识(问卷调查)、出血次数以及预防治疗情况。结果教育后健康意识增强(P<0.01),接受预防治疗患者增加(P<0.01),教育后出血次数降低,生活质量提高(P<0.01)。但随着教育间歇期的延长,儿童组及青少年组患者及家属掌握健康知识减少或淡忘,治疗的依从性下降(教育前后比较分别P<0.05和P<0.01)。结论健康教育管理能够促使血友病患者及家属建立正确的疾病预防意识、减少各种出血的发生,提高生活质量,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To help hemophilia patients form healthy lifestyle and avoid or de- crease risks that affect health or threaten life. Methods Based on the characteristics of hemophilia patients, a personalized health education program was made. The program was designed to reinforce educational contents, determine health beliefs and establish healthy behaviors by means of pictures, documents, multimedia and other methods over a long period. According to their ages, the patients were divided into child group (n = 13), teenage group (n = 19) and adult group (n = 27). The health awareness (survey), bleeding counts and preventive and therapeutic measures before and af- ter health education were investigated. Results After health education, the health awareness was enhanced (P〈 0.01 ), the number of patients who accepted preventive therapy increased (P 〈 0. 01), bleeding counts were reduced and life quality was improved (P(O. 01). However, with pro- longed educational interval, mastery of health knowledge and treatment compliance were weakened in the child group and teenage group (P 〈 0.05 and P 〈 0.01 respectively). Conclusion Health e- ducation management can reinforce the awareness of disease prevention, reduce the incidence of bleeding, improve the life quality of patients and their families. Thus it is worthy of clinical applica- tion.
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2012年第16期65-67,70,共4页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
关键词 血友病 健康教育 管理 hemophilia health education management
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