对从缅甸引进的魔芋品种M芋、从老挝引进的魔芋品种L芋、湖南新选育品种湘芋1号及传统当家品种白魔芋、花魔芋等5个品种,进行了种芋越冬贮存及栽培对比试验。结果表明,经过清洁干爽处理的魔芋比未进行晾干处理的越冬贮存防腐烂效果好。在5个品种栽培对比试验中,L芋出苗率最高,达75%,M芋出苗率最低,为16.7%;抗病能力表现最佳的为L芋,发病死亡率为0,抗病能力表现最差的为花魔芋,发病死亡率高达73.7%;湘芋1号每蔸产量最高,为311.5 g,白魔芋每蔸产量最低,为129g。在盆栽试验中,湘芋1号产量最高,白魔芋的膨胀倍数最大。从出苗率、抗病能力及膨胀倍数综合考量,湘芋1号、L芋和白魔芋在长沙地区种植优势大于花魔芋和M芋。栽培试验表明,土质疏松有利于魔芋提早发芽、出苗和提高产量。
Five taro varieties, including M taro introduced from Myanmar, L taro introduced from Laos, Hunan new breeding taro variety Xiangyu No.l, and traditional varieties of Amorphophallus albus and Amorphophallus rivieri, were used as materials to conduct comparison tests for winter storage and cultivation of seed taro. The results showed that the decay rate of taro with clean and dry treatment was less than that of taro with non dry treatment. Among comparison tests for culture of five varieties, L taro had the highest seedling emergence rate by 75%, M taro had the lowest seedling emergence rate by 16.7%; L taro had the best disease resistance with death rate of 0, while Amorphophallus rivieri had the worst disease resistance with death rate of 73.7%; Xiangyu No.1 had the highest yield per plant by 311.5 g, and the Amorphophallus albus had the lowest yield per plant by 129 g. In pot experiment, Xiangyu No.1 had the highest yield, and Amorphophallus albus had the largest expansion ratio. Therefore, consideration of seedling emergence rate, disease resistance ability and expansion ratio, Xiangyu No.l, L taro and Amorphophallus albus have better planting advantages than Amorphophallus rivieri and M taro. The results of cultivation experiment indicated that loose soil is beneficial to promote seed germination and seedling emergence and increase yield of taro.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences
Amorphophalms konjak
introduction breeding
winter storage