For the sparkplug lead fouling with applying high-lead gasoline reciprocating aeroengine engine, the chemical reaction process of tetraethyl lead is analyzed, the mechanism of sparkplug lead fouling is observed. It an- alyzed the influence factors of sparkplug lead fouling and put forward 5 kinds of measures to reduce lead fouling base on reciprocating aeroengine maintenance and operation. In order to reveal the variation rule of sparkplug lead fouling quantity, the grey system theory is put forward to establish the traditional GM( 1,1 ) model and the equidi- mensional GM ( 1,1 ) model of adding new information. Experimental results show that the calculation value of grey model is close to the measured data, the equidimensional GM ( 1,1 ) model of adding new information is more pre- cise than the traditional GM ( 1,1 ) model, is more suitable for the prediction of sparkplug lead fouling quantity. The grey prediction model of sparkplug lead fouling quantity will provide theory basis to establish scientific cleaning schedule of sparkplug lead fouling.
Science Technology and Engineering