From Spring to April 2012, Wenzhou and Shenzhen carried out a set of new measures of financial reform, the aim of which are to encourage the development of nongovernmental finance and capital market, speed up the reform of financial asset pricing mechanics. Financial development could not been achieved only by the effort of financial system itself, a set of supporting policy should be make by government, especially supporting institu- tions. Therefore this paper chooses transitional countries whose conditions are similar with china as object of study, and puts forward policy advice from institutional aspect. In this decade, many researchers have focused on the in- fluence of institution on financial development. They showed that institutional quality composed of property right, law and political institutions can influence financial development. Theory analysis of this paper shows that institu- tion co-exists with financial system and can stimulate financial development by following means: open the channel of saving-investment transformation, enhance investor protection, increases the confidence of investor, and erases financial depression. On the basis of the analysis we put forward four hypothesis which need to be proved : first, in- stitutional quality promotion can increase financial depth; second, institutional quality promotion can enlarge the scale of credit and increase banking efficient; third, institutional quality promotion can enlarge the scale of financial market; to sum up, institutional quality promotion can stimulate financial development. In order to test these hypothesis, we take empirical analysis by panel data of 16 transitional countries from 1996 to 2008. We divide 8 explanted variables into 4 groups to express 4 aspect of financial development: financial depth measured by M2/GDP and financial relevant ratio, scale of banking credit measured by credit provided by bank as percentage of GDP and net domestic credit divided by GDP, efficiency of banking measured by credit p
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
financial development
transitional countries