随着移动互联网的快速发展,手机作为移动互联的重要终端其所受的安全威胁已不亚于传统PC。文章针对目前手机用户的隐私信息(如通讯信息、短信息、通话记录、相册、文件等)泄露这一用户最为关心的问题,在目前主流的手机操作系统Android OS下设计并实现一个用户隐私保护系统。其主要研究和解决Android系统下的恶意进程识别和隐私数据加密两个问题,通过设计黑白名单授权访问隐私数据和实时监控每个进程以及用AES、MD5等算法加密隐私数据,从而达到保护用户隐私的目的。
With the rapid development of Mobile Intemet, the mobile phone has become an important mobile internet device. The security threat of the mobile phone is not less than traditional PC's. The privacy leaking of mobile phone user information (communication information texts, call records, photo albums, files and so on) has become the users' most concerned problem. In order to solve the problem, we design and implement a user privacy protection system in Android OS. In the paper, we focus on malicious processes recognition and private data encryption of Android system. Authorized to access the private data through the design of black and white lists and real-time monitoring of each process as well as private data encryption using AES, MD5 algorithm, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the user privacy.
Netinfo Security