
寻找如画之景——英国18世纪如画园林的认知过程 被引量:2

Pursuing Picturesque Landscape:The Knowing and Understanding Process for the English Picturesque Garden in the 18th Century
摘要 作为英国18世纪三大美学范畴之一的如画理论,不仅是一种审美认知,也是切实可行的方法和手段。在如画园林发展的百年间,人们不断寻找如画美景。早期,英国人对如画美景的寻找带有明显的怀旧情结,这体现在对克劳德镜的使用以及对古典废墟的热衷。后期,随着如画发展成为与美、崇高并列的美学范畴,崇高逐渐演化为如画园林的重要内涵。从文献和实例两个方面入手,深入18世纪英国语境,从多重视角探索如画园林的认知过程。 Being one of the three aesthetic theories in England in the 18th century, the picturesque is not only a kind of aesthetic cognition, but also the way and method in the knowing and understanding process for the English picturesque garden. During the 100 years or so development of the picturesque garden, people kept on pursuing picturesque landscape, in the early stage, there was a reminiscent mood in the English mind, which was reflected in the passion on the Claude Glass and ruins. Later, when the picturesque acted as a counterpart of the beauty and the sublime in aesthetic theory, the sublime became an important meaning in the picturesque garden. This paper explores the context of the 18th century England and discusses the knowing and understanding process for the English picturesque garden based on historical documents and some specific cases.
作者 朱宏宇
出处 《新建筑》 2012年第4期99-103,共5页 New Architecture
关键词 如画之景 英国18世纪如画园林 克劳德镜 古代废墟 原始野趣 picturesque landscape, English picturesque garden in the 18th century, Claude Glass,ancient ruins, wild taste
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