Eastern Kunlun Active Fauh Zone is one of the largest strike-slip faults in the northern Tibetan Plateau,which was considered to accommodate the eastward extrusion of Tibet. The almond-shaped Xiugou Basin,75km long and 15km wide,is the first order pull-apart basin associated with the long-term strike-slip movement of the Kunlun fault zone. Geometrically,this pull-apart basin is just located on the releasing step-over between the Xidatan-Dongdatan and Tuosuo Lake segments. On the basis of our field geologic investigations, DGPS ( Differential Global Positioning System) geomorphic measurement and tectono-geomorphic interpretation of satellite remote sensing images along the Xiugou Basin,our goal of this study is to document the Late Quaternary structural deformation and geomorphic features along the Xiugou Basin segment. Geomorphic features such as sag-ponds, varied pull-apart basins and displaced fluvial fans, terrace risers are found to well develop around the Xiugou Basin segment. These wellpreserved geomorphic features are related to long-term geomorphic growth of the Kunlun fault zone. We identified a ca. 50-km-long surface rupture zone produced by the most recent large seismic event(M7.0) , which most likely occurred in the northeast part of the Xiugou Basin in 1902. The length of this surface rupture zone is almost same order with the 40km-long surface rupture zone produced by the 1963 Alake Lake M7.0 Alake Lake earthquake. A long-term slip rate of 12.9±2.9mm/a was estimated based on lateral offsets of terrace riser,it is close to the result estimated from the displaced fluvial fans(10. 1 ±0. 8mm/a)in the west part of Xiugou Basin. Our estimated slip rate along the Xiugou Basin segment is in the same range measured by GPS.
Quaternary Sciences