通过对孕中期β HCG正常值的测定 ,我们可得到筛查胎儿Down’s综合征所需的一组正常对照值。本实验用北京原子能科学研究院的β HCGRIAKIT进行放免检测。结果显示β HCG随孕周增加而逐渐下降 ,除孕 13周与孕 2 6周外 ,其他各孕周之间均无显著性差异 ,我们可用所测β HCG数据进行Down’s综合征的筛查。通过对孕中期各周 β HCG正常值的测定 ,可以使我们在筛查工作中 ,对HCG的值有一个可对比的正常参考值 。
By measuring the normal value of β-HCG weekly during the medium-term of gestational period,we can obtain a group of data to screen out foetus with Down′s syndrome,which also provide a range of normal value of β-HCG for comparison.Radioimmunological assay was employed in the current experiment.β-HCG RIA KIT was provided by Beijing Atomic Energy Institution.The result shows that the value of β-HCG gradually decreased weekly with the duration of the gestational period.No significant difference was observed among values of each week except the value obtained at week 13 and 26.From the data we obtained,we can conclude that measurement of β-HCG plays an important role in the effort of screening Down′s syndrome.The group of data provide us a range of normal value for comparison in actual measurement of β-HCG and enable our work to be more reliable.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity