Continuous catalytic reforming (CCR) is a clean fuel production process now widely used by pe- troleum refiners and petrochemical producers. In the design, construction and operation of CCR unit, piping de- sign has a critical impact in each stage. In the process of piping design, the equipment layout and piping design of recycle hydrogen compressor are the core part in the engineering. In a case study of a CCR unit, the essen- tials in the piping design of recycle compressor are described in respect of equipment layout of recycle gas com- pressor train, layout of compressor outlet piping, layout of steam turbine and auxiliary equipment, outlet piping layout of steam turbine and stress analysis of inlet piping of steam turbine. In addition, precautions and recommen- dations in the design are proposed. These will ensure the good design and safety of equipment and auxiliary piping of compressor train in operation, and provides a good reference for the engineering design of similar process units.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering