

Code-switching: An Indirect Linguistic Strategy of Face-saving
摘要 以Brown和Levinson的面子理论为支撑,以实例论证日常交际中在威胁面子的情景下,语码转换可以用于协商人际关系;而在政治语境中,交际者可利用语码转换意义的模糊性来间接地建立、加强或破坏人际关系。语码转换既可保全双方的面子,也不影响交际目的的实现,是熟练的双语者乐于选择的一种间接语言策略。 Following the instruction of the Face Theory proposed by Brown and Levinson, the paper illustrates that in face-threatening situations code-switching serves with other linguistic strategies to negotiate interpersonal relationships in performing communicative tasks in daily interactions; while in political context, the ambiguity of a code choice is an interpersonal strategy that can be used to create, strengthen, or destroy interpersonal boundaries. Code-switching is an indirect linguistic strategy which bilingual speakers are given to adopting.
出处 《莆田学院学报》 2012年第4期57-61,共5页 Journal of putian University
关键词 语码转换 保全面子 间接 语言策略 code-switching face-saving indirectness linguistic strategy
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