20世纪90年代以来,湘江下游株洲至长沙河段枯水位持续降低.随着人类活动的加剧、枢纽运行后清水下泄冲刷河床等方面的影响,该河段枯水期水位有进一步走低的趋势.为满足远期通航要求,长沙综合枢纽船闸下游按远期将下降1.5 m确定通航低水位.根据湘江株洲至城陵矶河段枯水位变化的情况,分析了该河段枯水期水位变化的主要原因及其变化趋势,在不考虑三峡工程远期不利因素的前提下,论证预留水位下降值的合理性,并采用比降法推算长沙综合枢纽船闸下游远期通航低水位,得出长沙综合枢纽下游预留1.5 m水位下降值是合理且略有富余的结论.
Since 1990's, the low water level of the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River is constantly decreasing from Zhuzhou to Changsha. Due to the influence of the intensification of human activities and riverbed scouring caused by clear water released after the junction project operation, the water level in the dry season has the trend to further decline. To meet the navigation requirements, the low water level of the downstream ship lock of Changsha navigation-hydropower junction will be declined by 1.5 m. Based on the change of the low water level in the Xian^iang River from Zhuzhou to Chenglinji, the main reason and its changing tendency of the low water level in the dry season have been analyzed. The rationality of reduction value of reserved water level has been demonstrated without considering the long-term adverse factors of the Three-Gorges Project. The slope method has been adopted to calculate the forward low water level of the downstream ship lock of the Changsha navigation-hydropower junction. Thus, the conclusion can be expressed that the reduction value of the 1.5 m reserved water level of the downstream Changsha navigation-hydropower junction is reasonable.
Hydro-Science and Engineering
downstream navigable low water level of the junction
downcutting of river bed
lowering of water level