福建省地处中国东南沿海的亚热带 ,季风气候显著 ,水热条件良好 ,地貌以山地为主 ,致使种子植物成分丰富 ,自然分布的种类约有 1152属归 186科。区系地理成分分析表明 ,福建种子植物区系是典型的热带起源 ,热带成分占 56 .0 3% ,其中以泛热带成分最多 ,同时兼容了大量温带成分 ,说明温带成分并非源自本地 ,而是亚热带山区起源。区系成分中单型属和少型属以及特有属成分相当丰富 。
Fujian province locates in subtropics, ranging from longitude 115°50′E to 120°43′E, latitude 23°30′N to 28°22′N, belonging to typical monsoon climate, receiving rich rainfall and solar radiation energy, in addition, long geologic history and mountainous landform made it abundant in species and complex in floristic elements. There were about 3 339 species of seed plant belonging to 186 families and 1 152 genera. The floristic analysis of geographic element indicated that: The flora of Fujian province was derived typically from tropics, with this element of 56 03 percentage, and dominated by pantropic element. Meanwhile, a large number of temperate elements established in this region, demonstrating temperate floristic elements had an origin in common with subtropic and tropic floristic elements. Furthermore, a great quantity of monotype genera, single species genera, oligotype genera and endemic genera characterized this region flora vestigially and specially.