1993~ 1 996年作者研究了豆田 1 6种可控因素对夏大豆病虫害、天敌和产量的综合效应。根据既控病虫增产又保护生态的原则 ,综合评价了可控因素 ,提出了夏大豆病虫害系统最优控制策略 :同穴 ( 4:1式 )或间作 ( 9:2式 ) ,鲁豆 4 ,6月1 0日前后播种、1 80 0 g/hm2微肥拌种 ,N4 5kg/hm2 ,P2 O560 kg/hm2 ,K2 0 1 50 kg/hm2 ,有机肥 2 2 50 0 kg/hm2 ,甲拌磷 0 .3 6%拌种 ,多菌灵 0 .1 %拌种 ,抗蚜威 60 g/hm2喷雾防治大豆蚜 ,甲基异柳磷颗粒剂 67.5g/hm2撒施中耕防治蛴螬 ,Bt乳剂3 0 0 0 g/hm2喷雾防治食叶害虫和蛀荚害虫。组配了大豆玉米同穴、间作和纯作 3种种植方式的豆田病虫害系统最优控制技术。示范证明 ,系统控制技术具有控制病虫害效果好 ,增产显著 ,天敌显著增加 ,充分保护利用生态控害作用的特点。
The integrative effect of 16 controllable factors of soybean fields on diseases and insect pests, natural enemies and soybean yield was studied from 1993 to 1996. According to the criterion of good control to the pests, increase of soybean yield and protection of natural enemies, the 16 controllable factors were evaluated synthetically and the optimum system control to the diseases and insect pests of sunmer soybean was suggested as follows: soybean sown in the same maize hole (4 to 1) or soybean interplanted in the maize field (9 to 2 rows), cultivar the variety Ludou 4, sowing time on about 10 June, dressing seed with trace element fertilizer at 1800g/hm 2, dosages of fertilizer N, P 2O 5, K 2O and solid manure application at 45kg/hm 2, 60kg/hm 2, 150kg/hm 2 and 22500kg/hm 2 respectively, mixture dressing seeds with phorate and carbendazim 0.36% and 0.1% of seed weight respectively, control soybean aphid with pirmicarb at 60g/hm 2, control soil insect with isofenphos methyl at 67.5g/hm 2, control leaf eating insects and soybean borer with Bt at 3000g/hm 2. The technologies of optimum system control to the diseases and insect pests were made up in the three different modes including soybean sown in the same maize hole, soybean interplanted in the maize field and monoculture soybean. It demonstrated that the three techniques were significantly characterized by a good control to the diseases and insect pests as well as an increase of the soybean yield and natural enemies.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
summer soybean
diseases and insect pests
controllable factor
integrative effect
system optimum control