目前用于马铃薯晚疫病发病严重程度的描述方法主要分为两类,一是直接计数法,即感病百分数法;二是分级计数法,包括病情指数法及CIP 9级分级法。基于以上描述方法,还可计算出病情发展曲线下的面积(AUDPC),对遗传材料的抗性进行评价。无论何种方法,准确估计和记录晚疫病病斑侵染面积占植株总面积的比例是非常重要的,即使是长期从事晚疫病研究的专业人员有时也会产生较大的偏差。利用标准图谱作为参照,可以有效降低科研人员的判断误差。所以,有必要建立一套标准的彩色图谱,供从事病害调查的技术人员参考,有效地提高对晚疫病发病程度的评估准确性。
There are several methods to visually esti mate the severity of potato late blight. One is direct estimate method, which involves simple visual estimation of percent infection. Another one is indirect estimation method, including a disease index method and 'old' CIP scale. Based on those methods, the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) can be calculated to evaluate the resistance of potato genotypes. Whichever method is used, it is important to evaluate and record as accurately as possible, the proportion of total leaf area that is infected. Even professionals engaged in late blight research have some error when they assess late blight severity. Therefore, it is helpful to establish a standard severity diagram which can provide a reference for technicians engaged in disease investigation, in order to help reduce the observational bias and improve accuracy of late blight severity assessment.
Chinese Potato Journal