
特惠贸易协定对果品进出口贸易的影响——基于关税削减的实证分析 被引量:2

Impact of PTAs on China’s Fruits and Nuts Import and Export——Based on the Perspective of Tariff Reduction
摘要 构造并运用放松约束的变量系数PCS引力模型,从关税削减角度,分析双边自由贸易区建设对我国水果和坚果产品进出口贸易的影响。研究发现:双边贸易自由化给果品产业发展带来的机遇与挑战并存,关税削减对中国果品进口贸易的影响大于对出口的影响;正在考虑建设的自由贸区一旦建成并在关税上做出较大让步,会有力地促进中国的果品进出口贸易;中国与特惠贸易协定签约国之间的果品贸易中,贸易创造效应与贸易转移效应并存,非关税的贸易便利化措施是中国与部分签约国果品贸易发展的主要推动力。 This paper built a new pooled-cross-section model, which was used to analyze the impact of preferential trade agreements on import and export of China's fruits and nuts. It found that: Trade liberalization brought opportunities and challenges to fruits and nuts industry, and the impact of tariff reductions on China's fruits and nuts import was much larger than on export. Once the considering preferential trade agreements established and both members made concessions in tariffS, there would be a sharp increase in China's fruits and nuts import and export. Trade creation effect and diversion effect occurs simultaneously. For some members singed preferential trade agreements with China,non-tariff trade facilitation measures were the main drivring force for trade development.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2012年第7期64-69,共6页 Forestry Economics
基金 国家现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系(MATS)专项经费(编号:CARS-07-07B) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号:2011PY060)
关键词 特惠贸易协定 水果和坚果 关税 贸易转移 贸易创造 preferential trade agreements fruits and nuts tariffs diversion effect creation effect
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