
《万有引力之虹》的技术伦理观 被引量:5

Pynchon's Ethical Philosophy of Technology in Gravity's Rainbow
摘要 对现代技术的追问和反思是托马斯·品钦小说创作的重要议题。品钦密切关注技术与社会、技术与人、技术与环境的关系,特别是战争语境下科学技术的异化及其影响。一方面,品钦肯定启蒙运动的价值和科技发展带来的进步;另一方面,又看到西方社会中工具理性膨胀和技术扩张所造成的后果。作为一部探讨技术伦理问题的小说,《万有引力之虹》体现了品钦一贯的人本主义思想,对现代技术之本质的追问、对技术合理化向度的考量、对人类生存状况的忧思使品钦对晚期资本主义社会的批判达到了新的高度。 The impact of technology has been a major concern of Thomas Pynchon' s fiction. From the outset, Pynchon has been alert to the relations between technology and society, man and the environment, especially issues relating to the existential exigency and human destiny in the context of war. Whereas Pynchon recognizes the positive value of the Enlightenment and progress brought about by scientific advances, he is worried about the consequences of instrumental rationality and technological expansion in Western society. Gravity' s Rainbow explores the ethnical dimension of modern technology and inquires into the nature of technology, its rationalization, human existence and the future of mankind.
作者 王建平
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期119-128,共10页 Foreign Literatures
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<托马斯.品钦小说研究>(项目编号:12BWW027)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 托马斯·品钦 《万有引力之虹》 技术伦理 人文关怀 Thomas Pynchon, Gravity' s Rainbow, ethics of technology, humanism
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  • 1Joseph W. Slade, " Thomas Pynchon, Postindustrial Humanist", in Technology and Culture 23. 1 (Jan. 1982) , pp. 53 - 72. 被引量:1
  • 2詹明信..晚期资本主义的文化逻辑[M].北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2003.
  • 3John Dugdale, Thomas Pynchon . Allusive Parables of Power (NY. St. Martini' sPress, 1990), p. 186. 被引量:1
  • 4托马斯·品钦.《万有引力之虹》,张文宇,黄向荣译,译林出版社,2009年,第592页. 被引量:5
  • 5Thomas Schaub, Pynchon, The Voice of Ambiguity (Urbana, IL. . University of Illinois Press, 1983) , p. dd. 被引量:1
  • 6Hanjo Berressem, Pynchon ' s Poetics . Interfacing Theory and Text (Urbana and Chicago. University of Illinois Press, 1993), p. 199. 被引量:1
  • 7Angus Calder, The People's War. Britain 1939-194.5 (New York. Pantheon Books, 1969), p. 562. 被引量:1
  • 8Khachig Tololyan, "' War as Background in Gravity' Rainbow", in Approaches to Gravity's Rainbow, ed. charles Clere (Ohio State UP, 1983), pp. 31 -67, p. 52. 被引量:1
  • 9Hartmut Pogge yon Strandmann ed., Walther Rathenau, Industrialist, Banker, Intellectual, and Politician. Notes and Diaries 1907 - 1922 ( Oxford, UK. Clarendon Press, 1985), 7-8 -o. 被引量:1
  • 10Richard Sasuly, IG Farben (New York. Bori & Gaer, 1947), p. 38. 被引量:1











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