本文根据已报道的资料 ,综述了近 30年南方稻区再生稻研究进展。这些结果包括 :水稻地上部分有 5~ 6个节 ,每个节上均有 1个休眠芽 ,条件适宜均可萌发成穗。其萌发的适宜日均温度为 2 6.5℃ ,相对湿度为 83% ,抽穗开花日均温度≥ 2 2℃。生育期上位芽穗较下位芽穗短 ,头季稻根系和低位芽发生的新根吸收的养份 ,以及头季稻后期功能叶制造的光合产物分配到不同节位芽比例不同 ,因而不同节位芽成穗的大小不同。适宜蓄留再生稻的主要品种有冈优 2 2、汕优多系 1号、K优 5号、 优 7号、汕优 63、协优 63、两优培特等 ,再生稻栽培技术要求在种好头季稻基础上 ,头季稻齐穗 10~ 15天每公顷施促芽肥尿素 30 0 kg,见芽收割头季稻 ,留桩高度 2 0~ 50 cm,收后每公顷施发苗肥尿素 150 kg,再生稻始穗每公顷喷施赤霉素 30 g。最后指出了再生稻进一步高产还需研究的主要问题。可作为研究再生稻和指导再生稻生产的技术参考。
In this article, achievements about ratooning rice during last 30 years were summarized. The results were show as follow:There were 5~6 nodes with 1 dormant bud, this bud could sprout, grow and develop a panicle under good conditions, which sprouting suitable temperature was 26.5 ℃, relative humidity was 83%, Heading and flowering temperature should be ≥22 ℃. Growth period of epigynous bud was shorter than hypogynous bud′s. The dormant buds got the nutrient′ratio that roots of main crop and new roots of epigynous bud absorbed and the photosynthate the leaves made during main crop maturing were different, therefore, the spikelet number of panicle came from different node′bud were different. Shanyou 63, Gangyou22, Shanyouduoxi 1, K you 5, Ⅱyou 7, Xieyou 63 and Liangyoupeite etc. were suitable for ratooning rice farming, the key techniques of ratooning rice contained that the main crop should be plant well, 300 kg urine as prompting fertilizer was used after heading 10~15 days, the main crop was cut when the dormant bud came out from the leaf sheath, 20~50 cm stem was left 150 kg urine should be used after harvesting main crop, 30 g GA 3 were sprayed during heading of ratooning rice. at last, main study area that the ratooning rice got high yield were pointed in future. Which can be used as basis in ratooning rice farming and ratooning rice studying.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
Ratooning rice
Physiology and Ecology
Cultural technology
Study ar