
矿井无线传感器网络非均匀分簇路由算法研究 被引量:4

Uneven Cluster Routing Algorithm for WSN in Coal Mine
摘要 针对矿井带状网络拓扑结构、信息流量不均衡、节点间能耗严重不均匀等问题,提出了一种矿用带状能耗均衡的非均匀分簇路由协议算法。该算法的簇首竞选机制综合考虑了节点与汇聚节点距离、节点能量及节点密度,同时充分降低了候选节点竞选时的计算量。实验表明,该算法有效的改善了矿井下无线传感器网络"热区"效应,降低了网络能耗和网络通信量,显著延长了网络存活时间。 For the problems of coal mine linear network topology, information flow is not bal anced and energy consumption among nodes is seriously non-uniform, we proposed a Liner Ener- gy Balanced Uneven Cluster Routing Protocol Algorithm for Coal Mine. The cluster head election meehanism of the algorithm takes into account the distance between nodes and sink nodes, nodes energy and nodes density; and at the same time fully reduces the amount of eomputation when candidate nodes eampaign. Simulation results show that the algorithm effeetively improves the wireless sensor network of coal mine "hot zone" problem and reduces network traffic and energy consumption. It extends the survival time of the network significantly.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期583-586,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
基金 山西省高等学校留学回国人员科研资助项目(晋教外[2011]63号) 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2012011013-4)
关键词 煤矿 无线传感器网络 路由协议 非均匀分簇 阈值限度 coal mine wireless sensor network routing protocol threshold limit
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